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Semrush Review 2024 | Why You Should Buy It As Your SEO Tool?

Semrush Review
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This Semrush review that I am writing for you, is written out of my 8 years experience of using it. I started using Semrush in 2014 when I landed in SEO activities.

Are you a beginner in SEO or a pro? Whatever, this tool can be used by anyone. You don’t have to do a separate course or certification to use Semrush. Even if you still feel a little confused about using Semrush then this blog on Semrush review is going to make it even more clear.

I would be talking about various features and tell you how good Semrush is, for your business. To give names to features review included in this blog, they are,

  • Domain Analysis.
  • Keyword Research.
  • Backlink Analytics.
  • Link building tool.
  • Site Audit Tool.
  • Pricing of Semrush.
  • Other features overview apart from SEO.

So? Excited? Let’s go into detail for better understanding but before that, let’s believe in what exactly is Semrush.

What is Semrush?

Semrush in simple words is a saas for SEO. In a more elaborate way, it is a software as a service offering search engine optimization services. Using semrush, you get a lot of insights and input that you can perform to grow your website organically over search engines.

Semrush was founded in the year 2008, like 12 years ago by its saas owner Oleg Shchegolev and Dmitry Melnikov and now it has an approximately 6 million user base. That is huge, isn’t it? Semrush Saas business itself is a million-dollar organization due to the impressive features it offers to webmasters.

Semrush as an SEO tool offers the core functionality for webmasters like

  • Finding all technical aspects and insights of your website that you can work on, in order to improve organic visibility of your business on the search engines.
  • Find backlink opportunity that acts as massive life support to grow any type of online business.
  • Creating content becomes more interesting and fun as semrush offers your content toolkits and keyword research functionality that gives you the perfect direction of growing online.

These are just the beginning of what semrush can offer you. When you go to the end of this blog, you will be quite sure why semrush is fit for you.

I won’t be too biased about talking only good as nothing in this world is perfect. Semrush does have some shortcomings which I would be discussing in the end. But these shortcomings are negligible hence not a big deal to handle.

Let’s take all SEO features to offer you in your business growth in this semrush review 2024.

Semrush Review On Domain Analysis

Domain analysis with semrush is one of the powerful tools that would help you learn a lot about domain growth. You can use this tool under Semrush dashboard if you want to know few metrics about your or your competitor’s website.

  • Domain authority score.
  • The net organic traffic from a specific country. [ from this, you can identify the target country that your competitor is trying to grow into. ]
  • The kind of PPC campaign running on that domain and the traffic received from PPC.
  • The backlink details.
  • Keywords that the domain is ranking for.
  • The domain competitors list.

Talking about how good are these metrics? I would say, they are close to accurate data but not exact.

The best part of domain analysis: Semrush Review

The domain analysis in semrush gives a lot of metrics but the best part that I love in it for competitor analysis is the position that it shares with respect to its competitor.

This helps you identify the kind of visibility your domain or your competitor’s domain is receiving. Taking an example here from my personal blog that is snehiltalks;

semrush domain analysis tool

So, semrush shows that in domain analysis for snehiltalks, the organic keyword for which I am ranking, My visibility is very less as compared to my competitor website for all our common organic keywords.

This tells me that I need to do a good domain analysis for my competitor’s domain and find what good they are doing. This will give me ideas and strategies to outrank them and get a better strategy to grow.

So, I love the domain analysis part of semrush. Let’s look into what more semrush has to offer to SEO Geeks.

Keyword Research In Semrush

When we talk about keyword research, the first tool that comes into our mind is the google keyword planner.

Well, that tool is obviously the king tool and all other keyword tools extract data through APIs and gather data. But, tools like semrush keyword research tool, offer your dashboards of analysis.

With the keyword planner of Google, you only get to learn that there are some X,Y,Z keywords with a search volume and PPC competition but there are a lot more things to understand while doing keyword research. This analysis is being offered by semrush keyword research tool.

With this tool, you get the following.

  • Keyword Overview tool
  • Keyword magic tool
  • Keyword manager tool

Using the combination of these tools, you can do some wonderful keyword research and prepare the best content marketing plan or do competitor keyword analysis.

You can do individual keyword or bulk keyword analysis.

The best part of keyword research in semrush

In semrush, you get a tool called keyword gap. Using this, you can actually see and compare the keywords for which you and your competitors are fighting.

Using this, you can find keywords on which you are missing and cover them to increase your business visibility share in the SERP and compete better with your online competitors.

For example, I am taking the example of my personal blog again [ Snehiltalks ].

I need to get a list of my competitors which you can easily get using domain analysis as explained in this blog earlier.

So, I did this and found the following result below

semrush review on semrush keyword research tool

So, here I found that I have 4 organic keywords and have 22 keywords shared for which all 5 of us were ranking.

I also, found that there are tool 1.3k keywords which we all are ranking for out of which I have 976 keywords for Which I can potentially rank and beat all 4 of my competitor’s keywords easily.

So, this helps me in preparing a strategic content plan that would help me outrank all my organic competitors and gain more organic visibility for the business websites.

This tool is a lifesaver for online businesses. Did you find it interesting? Let me know your thoughts in the comment below.

Moving to some more semrush tools and features now in this semrush review blog.

To be very honest with my usage experience of semrush, it is slow in realizing the backlinks. Let’s understand this slowness better in this semrush review blog. As its crawler, crawls through billions of websites, it takes time to realize all the backlinks that had been pointing to your site over a period of time. But, when it comes to the analysis of backlinks, this tool is again a big lifesaver. How? Let’s understand this in this semrush review 2024.

You get three smart features for backlink tasks.

  1. Backlink gap.
  2. Backlink analytics and
  3. Backlink audit tool.

With this tool, you can again use the domain analytics tool to find your organic competitors and dump them in the backlink gap tool to find, which websites are common in giving backlinks to you as well as your competitors.

It will also tell you the backlink that your competitors share but you are not having a backlink from there. This helps you find the right resources to build backlinks from and outrank your organic competitors.

Coming to the backlink analytics tool in Semrush, offers you a vast opportunity to find and analyze backlinks to grow your SEO strength.

Semrush Review 2024 | Why You Should Buy It As Your SEO Tool?

In the above analysis of backlink, I found that my number of backlinks are more than my organic competitors but when we talk about other metrics like

Referring domain, referring IP’s or the authority score, I am weaker than my competitor.

So, using semrush, I can find what all the referring domains are talking about my competitors and improve my backlink. This will also improve my authority score and finally my SEO strength.

Hence, using Semrush backlink analytics tool and improve my business and website accordingly.

Some other metrics that I get in this analytics tools are

  • Total Backlinks
  • Backlink Types
  • Link Attributes
  • Anchors used in backlinks.

These metrics help you get a better analysis of your backlink profile and improve SEO strength.Isn’t this an interesting feature? What did you like as a user? let us know in the comment of this semrush review section down below.

With the backlink audit tool of semrush, it will help your website a safe position. Using this tool, you will be able to

  1. Find toxic backlinks that can harm your website SEO.
  2. Disavow backlinks that are toxicated.
  3. It will also help you find New, Broken, and Lost backlinks.
  4. Using audit tool, you can find which page or blog of your website is getting more backlinks. It can help you make decisions to monetize or pitch your product and service in those sections.

To sum it all, the backlink analysis tool of semrush has a lot of things to explore. It is easy to use and can be used to boost your SEO strength if you use the tool wisely.

Now we know that analyzing backlinks is very easy and powerful with semrush. But, what if we want to build a quality backlink without much hustle?

This is a big pain point for a lot of SEO guys. So, the next feature of semrush solves this purpose. Let’s check that out in this semrush review itself.

This is a kind of automating your outreaching process for building quality backlinks. Let me give you a semrush review of how this tool can do that.

With this tool, all you need to do is

  1. Tell semrush, your target keywords which you want to use as your anchor keyword.
  2. Also, in the next step, mention your top 10 competitors to eliminate competitors for pitching an outreach for backlink to competitor itself.

Now you are all set to automate your outreach. Isn’t this interesting? We never wanted to miss out on writing about this amazing part in this semrush review. Hope you loved this feature.

Semrush Review 2024 | Why You Should Buy It As Your SEO Tool?

In the above screenshot, you can see that now

  1. You can define the kind of outreach campaign for all the suggested domain by semrush to pitch for backlink.
  2. Semrush pulls out all the contact emails of those website to whom you can pitch for a backlink.
  3. The status column keep tracking the status of emails sent and maintain the automated followups if emails are not read.
  4. Once the backlink is confirmed posting pitching, you can check mark the domain that has given you backlink under the action column.

All the domains that go checked marked under the action column will be under monitoring to see if backlinks are still existing or not. You will be notified if the backlink gets lost. We hope your clarity on backlinking monitoring is clear in our semrush review of this amazing tool.

This way, you can build high-quality contextual backlinks for your blog, content, or website and improve your SEO score.

link building tool semrush review
Link building is monitored here.

Let’s take this further and understand the last most powerful SEO tool of Semrush. The site audit. Which every SEO geek needs to do before starting any new SEO project for an ongoing online business.

SEO Site Audit Smerush Review

We all know that while we are doing an SEO audit, we check the site health in terms of all technical SEO issues for On and Off-page SEO.

With Semrush site audit tool you get to know a lot of metrics that can negatively impact your website like;

  • Slow-loading content
  • Duplicate content
  • SSL problems
  • Crawl errors
  • Missing headers
  • Overuse of keywords and much more.

These issues are marked as critical errors, warnings, notices and you get an overview of everything in the dashboard. Have a look at the screenshot that we have added in this semrush review blogpost.

Semrush Review 2024 | Why You Should Buy It As Your SEO Tool?

Using this site audit tool, you can save your website from any search engine penalty or rank downgrading over the search engines.

So, after knowing so many benefits in this semrush review, It will be an easy decision to buy semrush for your business. Isn’t it?

Let’s look at the pricing of semrush in this semrush review. .

Semrush Review: Pricing Overview

Every good saas feature comes at some cost. You get all the smart features of semrush at a cost. Let’s understand what will it cost for your business if you want to buy semrush.

Semrush is quite expensive as compare to other SEO tools but you are buying a lot of data for your analysis with this software. Every penny is worth it.

Semrush offers 3 pricing modules.

  • Pro: $99.95 per month
  • Guru: $199.95 per month
  • Business: $399.95 per month

You can also choose an annual plan to get more discount on the pricing.

We shall be discussing in detail pricing on this blog after few months as we are assuming that this year-end, semrush is going to change pricing and give massive offers on it.

You can also read my blog that talks about checklist on how to buy saas.

Semrush Review Conclusion

Semrush is proven to be a powerful SEO tool. It offers a bunch of SEO tools along with many other management tools that are not related to SEO but offers a good option to build a brand.

When you choose the pricing plan of semrush, you also get to choose its other tools related to content marketing, social media management, and another SaaS in semrush which you can use to magnify your online business growth.

If you can afford to spend money and expect an ROI out of it then there is no doubt that semrush is the best tool to invest upon. Looking at the pros and cons of the tool, it is easy to make a final conclusion on this tool.

Pros Of Semrush review

Talking about the pros in the semrush review, I can say that.

  1. The CRM style link building tool is unique. You won’t find this powerful offering from any of the competitive SEO tools in the market.
  2. Its entire interface is set so logically that you can use it without any confusion. The application is quite self-explanatory.
  3. You get PPC data as well that can help you do better competitor analysis.
  4. Semrush offers an immense opportunity to build reports. This is very important as SEO needs a lot of report making and sharing. Semrush understands this pain point of SEO geeks and offers this.
  5. You give a good trial period so this is a good score over its competitive tool.

Cons of Semrush review.

Nothing is perfect in this world. The same rule goes with semrush. Let’s know them.

  1. You will get data only related to Google search engine. Though google is the god father of all organic business growth but still some of the semrush competitors goes beyond google hence semrush should also think about expanding its database.
  2. Its interface is not mobile friendly hence you need to use semrush app which doesn’t share all metric. So, this tool I would say is not too mobile friendly.
  3. Only one user account is available. When you want to share semrush with more users, it goes too expensive. I didn’t find that worth doing.
  4. The traffic details are inaccurate and the crawling data is a bit slow in realising the backlink built for any website recently.

With all that said, I would again personally recommend Semrush overall SEO tool in this world because in the end, what matters in SEO is the data which is too much in semrush.

Got any questions related to Semrush review? Connect with me and we shall discuss this in detail. Let me know in the comment below or use or contact us page.

Semrush Review 2024 | Why You Should Buy It As Your SEO Tool?
Semrush Review 2024 | Why You Should Buy It As Your SEO Tool?
Chief Saasologist
Chief Saasologist

Myself Snehil Prakash aka Chief Saasologist of Howtobuysaas. I am a saas marketer, who loves studying evolving software that is bringing change to the world. Share the same with people via howtobuysaas platform.

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  1. Very well eleborated review of semrush. Thanks for this amazing article.

  2. Hello there! Do you know if they make any plugins to help with Search Engine Optimization?
    I’m trying to get my blog to rank for some targeted keywords
    but I’m not seeing very good success. If you know of any please share.
    Appreciate it!

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