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Replicon PSA

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What is Replicon PSA?

Replicon provides end-to-end Time Management software and services to enterprises of all sizes. Capture, analyze, and optimize time, your organizations most critical asset, to improve profitability, productivity and employee satisfaction.

Salaried & hourly workers alike love using Replicon because it is simple and easy to enter their time, attendance, vacation, and expense information–via web browser or mobile app.

Hiring managers use Replicon to optimize the types of workers to hire, what to budget for them, and what they should be working on.

HR, payroll, and compliance managers use Replicon to automatically apply business & legal rules to eliminate under- or over-payment of employees, as well as to ensure everyone in the business is working according to the laws governing their specific location.

Finance & project management teams choose Replicon because their success depends on accurate, granular and real-time reporting on exactly how well the business is performing with respect to project delivery, client billing, labor utilization, and other critical metrics.

If you are looking to track, manage and optimize: time & absence, project details, client billing, expenses, or the productivity of your entire workforce no matter where they are or when they work, consider evaluating Replicon as a strategic partner to your success.

For more information: visit us:, call us: 1-877-662-2519 (North America) or +800-6622-5192 (outside North America), or email us:

Specification: Replicon PSA



APIs / Integration


Performance and Reliability

Mobile User Support

Expense Reports

Ease of Creating Expense Reports

Time Tracking

Ease of Completing Timesheets

Tracking Time to Project/Task

Billable Time Rate Management

Mobile Time Tracking

Time Tracking


Standard Integrations


Automated Reminders

Policy Compliance Management

User, Role, and Access Management

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