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Life2vec: This New AI Tool Calculates When You Will Die

2023 has been the year when AI has witnessed a massive rise where all of us witnessed a meme-fest along with some insecurity about our jobs and a fear of an AI takeover. Well, guess what! We live another day to see another fascinating AI invention! There is a new AI tool called Life2vec that can predict a person’s time of death adds to its groundbreaking innovations. In a collaborative research project, scientists from Denmark and the USA have invented this AI tool that can predict and calculate a person’s estimated time of death and also predict certain behavioral pattern.

Now, isn’t this so intriguing? In this blog, I will discuss the Life2vec AI in detail, so let’s dive right into it!

Who Invented Life2vec AI Tool?

Life2vec was invented as a collaborative research project by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), IT University of Copenhagen (ITU), and the Northeastern University in the US. The scientists from Denmark and the US were successful in harnessing the power of transformation models which are quite similar to ChatGPT to process huge amounts of data about individuals. The Life2vec model was created after retrieving the data from the Danish demographic and the health records of around six million people from 2008 to 2020. Life2vec analyzes the past data of a person’s life and calculates an individual’s estimated time of death with an accuracy of 78%.

How is it Possible to Predict the Time of Death of an Individual?

Sune Lehmann, the lead author of the study report has told The Post that Life2vec uses the transformer technology much similar to ChatGPT to study the life of an individual by representing each individual as a sequence of events in their life. Many important events of a person’s life like schooling, residence, profession, and health history is taken into account to determine a probable life expectancy.

How Does the Life2vec AI Work?

Professor Lehmann and his team examined a data of a vast and diverse population consisting of six million people hailing from different walks of life, from an age range of 35-65.

The Life2vec AI model goes through a training phase where it learns a vast amount of data to analyze and calculate estimated results. It deciphers data in a comprehensive system of vectors, much like a mathematical structure organizing important information about an individual’s life. This information includes time of birth, education, housing, jobs, salary, and general health issues. It studies the sequence of events in a human’s life and analyzes these patterns to provide an estimated life expectancy of an individual.

While all the important life events of the people were fed to the AI, some specific details were also fed into it. It could be a small detail like someone suffering a heart attack a few years back, or someone had moved from an urban setting to a rural place to highlight their lifestyle patterns. These details were fed in the form of codes to the AI to help it calculate a more specific life expectancy of the participants.

How Accurate is this AI model?

Reasearchers have found Life2vec to be 78% accurate, which is quite high for an AI model. It has also been found that the AI model is versatile enough to predict other behavioral patterns like a person’s personality and their tendency to relocate internationally. This suggests that there is more scope of innovation and application of this particular model besides its initial purpose.

What are the Ethical Questions that Life2vec AI raises?

Life2vec is a promising model and can serve several useful purposes like assessing an individual’s risk of contracting certain diseases or other preventable life events. However, there are still some ethical questions about Life2vec not yet resolved, especially the concerns about protecting sensitive data, ensuring data privacy, and addressing biases in the data. However, the inventors of Life2vec AI have been very responsible regarding the data of their study. The participants were not informed about the results of the study to ensure their privacy and wellbeing. They researchers have also expressed their concern that this tool will not be allowed to predict and calculate the life expectancy of individuals when it is finally made available to the public to ensure privacy and its ethical usage.

Can I use Life2vec to Calculate my Time of Death?

No, Life2vec AI tool is not available and cannot be accessed by general public. Why would you want to get a spoiler about your life anyway?


While new and exciting innovations are coming up in the field of AI every day, the concerns about ethics and security are also looming large. AI promises numerous future possibilities, but there are also many challenges and ethical concerns that should be taken into consideration. It is important to find a balance between accepting the fruits of technology while protecting the rights of individuals and ensuring privacy and security.

Srijita Dutta
Srijita Dutta

Srijita Datta is a content writer with over 4+ years of experience in various niches. Her active interest in exploring new and emerging SaaS software and the evolving world of AI motivates her to write crisp, engaging, and informative articles to share her knowledge. She is working with How to Buy SaaS as a content writer and curating fresh and unique content every week with an added expertise in SaaS content.

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