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Winter SaaS Leadership


Nominate Your SaaS For Winter leadership SaaS Awards.

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Welcome to the Greatest SaaS Awards 2023

Thousands of SaaS in more than 50+ categories are joining the HTBS SaaS Award 2023. Nominate your SaaS for winter SaaS leadership and get your software the attention it deserves.

HowtobuySaaS Awards: How To Get In 2021?

Get Your Software Recognized

Get your software the attention it deserves. Use the howtobuysaas awards creatively to boost your traffic and reputation!

How It Works

Understand how the HTBS product analysts and experts sit together to filter the winner among all the best nominations. 

The Head Start
The Head Start

Nominate Your SaaS

Fill the form to nominate your SaaS or the SaaS which you have loved using. Something that you believe, has transformed how things worked without these SaaS solutions. 


Product Analysis

HTBS team of product analysts will go through each and every nomination plus all the SaaS that have done wonders in the HTBS platform in terms of Solving business and real-time challenges. 


What Exactly Is A Howtobuysaas Award?

A Howtobuysaas Award is, in essence, a stamp of approval awarded to your software offering by Howtobuysaas. We award it to the software that we believe are exceptional in what they offer. It will help you boost the credibility of your offering and the reputation of your business.

What Are The Benefits Of Displaying The Howtobuysaas Award On Your Website?

The benefits are endless, but we’ll keep it simple. With a Howtobuysaas Award, you can: Earn the trust of your clients and prospects. Boost the conversion rate for your website. Reassure clients about your product’s customer engagement and satisfaction rates. Get numerous rewards and incentives, courtesy of Howtobuysaas … and more! Talk to us to find out!.

What Kind Of Awards Can You Earn For Your Website?

Depending on which aspect your software excels at, you can earn a number of awards that your software qualifies for. Howtobuysaas has awards for a number of categories including, but not limited to: Customer’s Choice, Expert Choice, Excellent User Experience, Budget-Friendly, Rising Star, and more.

How Can You Get The Howtobuysaas Awards?

You can get Howtobuysaas award(s) by nominating your software for one or more categories. Just fill up the nomination form, we’ll consider and evaluate your software for the award(s). Once you are declared winner, then you can showcase your software’s achievement wherever you want.

Where Can You Display The Howtobuysaas Awards On Your Website?

The awards are quite versatile, you can place/include them on your website and/or other promotional content in a number of ways: You can embed the awards in your emails. You can Place the awards on the bottom, left or right Sidebar or on the top right corner of your Home Page/Landing Page. It can be included in your testimonial or user reviews section. You can include it wherever you feel appropriate.
How To Buy Saas
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